Monday, June 30, 2014

Passing Of Time

The fact that time goes by so quickly depresses me. Every second of your life is a second that you will never ever have back. Before you know it, a current moment will be a memory. That's why I called my blog "The Little Things." Because if you don't enjoy the little things in life and make something out of an uneventful moment, it's just going to be a moment that has been wasted, and life is way too short for wasting moments. Remember that day where you sat in class at school and thought about how slowly it was going by and how bored you were? That day is now over, and you're most likely on summer break. Don't waste times where you can be having a good time or doing something important with your life, take those moments and turn them into memories or something that could help you in the future. That's why I say "get it over with." If you want to learn how to play an instrument or if you want to have good grades, just get all of the studying, practicing, and learning over with so you can accomplish what you want to. Do you want to be famous on Instagram, YouTube, Vine, or even through your blogs? You just have to be patient and the followers will add up before you know it. Honestly, if you want to do something, do you. You're just going to regret your decision if you don't.

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